Salmorejo: Cordovan recipe

10 Jul

Last summer I made my first Cordovan Salmorejo (Salmorejo cordobés) thanks to the great explanation I found at Javirecetas website. I loved that simple but delicious dish that hereinafter appeased hot, thirst and hunger. This season, as soon as barely heat was felt, I went to buy some good red tomatoes in order to prepare the first Salmorejo of the summer. Now, pear tomatoes and tomatoes branch are in their very best moment.

The branch tomatoes are my favorites to prepare Salmorejo. I leave the pear tomatoes for our Andalusian breakfasts that we have every weekend, summer or winter, no matter which season be. The Cordovian Salmorejo is a very humble dish. It used to be prepared before Christopher Columbus brings tomatoes here from the New World. Because of this reason, before that, the Salmorejo used to be made just with vinegar, bread, oil and garlic, all perfectly crushed on a mortar. It was never on a court cook book. It was prepared and eaten by poor people and countryside people.

There are two crucial moments for Salmorejo as we know it today. When tomato is introduced and the Salmorejo takes the red color (before that it´s used to be a white cream or soup), and a second moment it was when the electric blender was invented. It replaced the anterior primitive process. Historical references claim that Romans and Arabians, each of them, made and consumed the white primitive Salmorejo, hot or cold. Today the identified recipe as Cordovan Salmorejo is a little bit different, but tasty, fresh and extended for all the Spanish geography.

Todos los derechos reservados por Tras La Receta

All rights reserved by Tras La Receta

Ingredients to prepare Salmorejo Cordobés (Javi´s recipe for 2-4 persons)

500 gr red ripe tomatoes
100 gr bread (day before)
1 garlic clove (I prefer just 1/2 one)
100 ml (1/2 cup) extra virgin olive oil
water to scald the tomatoes

How to prepare Cordovan Salmorejo

  1. Scald the tomatoes and leave them ready to use. Click here and you´ll be able to see how easily we can do it.
  2. Put the bread, the tomatoes, the olive oil, the garlic and the salt into a container or into a blender vase. Blend as well as be possible. It won´t be necessary pass it through a Chinese strainer, but you can do it if you want.
  3. Leave the Salmorejo inside the fridge while you prepare a hard-boiled egg.

Take it as an appetizer, as a menu starter or even as a light dinner substitute. Serve cold and garnish with diced hard-boiled egg and diced serrano ham.

Yummy, yummy!!

3 respuestas to “Salmorejo: Cordovan recipe”

  1. Fidel Ernesto Hernández Avalos julio 11, 2013 a 6:26 am #

    Now that it’s so warmth, it would be great. Thanks!

    Me gusta

    • magelatosar julio 11, 2013 a 9:40 am #

      It´s nice to know that in the North Pole is warm betweentimes… Enjoy it as much as you can

      Me gusta

  2. Fidel Ernesto Hernández Avalos julio 11, 2013 a 6:30 am #

    It’s so warm now,it would be great! Thanks!

    Me gusta

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