Morcilla´s burger: from the original recipe posted by Gastronoming

5 Sep
Todos los derechos reservados por Tras La Receta

All rights reserved by Tras La Receta

Some time ago I read a recipe of blood sausage burger that I fall in love with. I cooked it up as soon as I could, and today a present here an adaptation from the original that you can see HERE. My own proposal consist in a burger with blood sausage (Morcilla de Burgos) and boiled rice seasoned with extra onion and garlic, plus a touch of cumin, coriander and black pepper, instead of mincemeat. The effect was smoothing out the unctuous blood sausage´s texture and flavor.

I substituted the apple chips, certainly delicious, by a lettuce salad with tomato, onion, bacon and apple. Instead of Cheddar cheese (that is more commonly use for burgers) I chose Havarti cheese this once. At cooking moment I preferred to bake the burgers instead frying them, because in this way I avoided breaking them. If you prepare this burgers you´ll see the texture is a bit different from a meat one, but with a little care you won´t have any problem.

We are only two persons at home and we cook up morcilla´s burgers for six, so we could enjoy them in the classical way with the always yummy bread, but also I presented them like «tapas» (traditional Spanish appetizers) with a very cool beer. I have many ideas fluttering into my head since this blood sausage burgers gave me the light. I´ll share them as well later or earlier :). Now, let´s start with our Morcilla´s burguer.

All rights reserved by Tras La Receta

All rights reserved by Tras La Receta


2 morcillas de Burgos (traditional blood sausage made with rice, from Burgos, Spain)

1/2 cup non boiled rice or 1 1/2 cup boiled rice (middle grain rice)

2 1/2 onions

2 crushed garlic cloves

1/2 tsp cumin

1/2 tsp ground coriander

1/2 tbsp parsley finely cut

black pepper


2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 egg yolk

4 tbsp breadcrumbs   


How to prepare Morcilla´s burguer

  1. In first place, cook the rice but do not wash it and put a little more of water than you usually use in order to get a creamier rice.
  2. Put the olive oil into a pan, heat and add the mashed garlic and the onion half with a pinch of salt.
  3. Once the onion transparences removed from the heat. Add the cooked rice, stir very well, check the salt and let it cools.
  4.   Remove the morcilla skin, put their meat into a bowl and proceed to break them completely until you get a morcilla´s mince. Then add the rice and the rest of seasons: cumin, coriander, parsley and pepper. Mix very weel. Now incorporate the egg yolk and the breadcrumbs and stir once more very well.
  5. It is time for giving form the burgers. Here you will see how I do it, although it´s a different recipe the proceeding is the same from number 4 point.
  6. Put the burgers into a lightly greased oven dish and bake 180 Celsius degrees during 10 to 12 minutes.
  7. Take it out, let refresh and serve the burger in the classical way with bread, mayonnaise and caramelized onion or in the way you prefer.

Notes: At moment of saving the burgers before cook them put between them some baking paper in order to avoid they paste each other and break them later. Keep them into the fridge while you´re patiently cooking the caramelized onion. How? Cut the onion into finely julienne or finely rings.  I did it with a sharp knife but I cried a whole river. It seems a lot of cut onion but you´ll see, at the end, the amount makes us laughing.

Put the onion into a pan with three olive oil tablespoon and a pinch of salt and let it cook very slowly during one hour. It seems an eternity but it worth it. You don´t need add sugar contrary it´s use to think, just cook it softly and without hurry and onion will be able to make explode all its sweetness.

Choose an appropriate palette spoon to take out the burger from the oven dish in order to not break them. If they lost their form a little, never mind, give they form again over the bread or dish. Simply a cheerful experience for taste. Thanks a lot Gastronoming for sharing your recipe :).

2 respuestas to “Morcilla´s burger: from the original recipe posted by Gastronoming”

  1. yarasguay septiembre 6, 2013 a 7:01 am #

    Que pinta!!! Es una receta muy original…

    Me gusta

    • magelatosar septiembre 6, 2013 a 8:24 am #

      Gracias! Es otra forma de comer la morcilla y realmente rica. Bienvenida por estos rumbos, yo ya me he paseado por los tuyos. Buenas vacaciones. Un saludo.

      Me gusta

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